Keys Online Banking
Manage your business and personal accounts from anywhere in the world with Keys Online Banking!
To get started with Online Banking:
Access your account via the “Click to Register” link in our Online Banking Sign-On box at the top of this page.
Read and accept the “Terms of Use”.
Verify your identity.
Complete account authentication.
Set your Online Banking password.
Your password must be 8-15 characters.
Include at least 1 upper case letter
Include 1 number
Special characters are required. Special characters include: !,@,#,$,%,^,&,*,(,0.
What can you do in Online Banking?
Personalize your preferences:
Get real-time text and email alerts for debit transactions and accounts.
Rename, Show or Hide Accounts on your home page to make it easier to navigate.
Manage your finances:
Keys EzPay - Make free electronic transfer to and from other financial institutions and person-to-person payments via email or text.
Secure Messaging - Send a fully secure message to one of our member service representatives.
Stop Payments - Stop payment on checks. Fees may apply.
Order Checks - Prepare for emergencies when you order checks through online banking to use in place of cash.
Pay Bills - Use Keys Bill Pay to make payments electronically; no stamps or envelopes required. Enter your information and we’ll send the payment for you.
View Check Images - Verify the front and back of cleared checks.
Credit Card - View your credit card activity and make payments.
Quickbooks and Quicken Users
To use Quickbooks and Quicken with our Online Banking service please refer to our Quickbooks and Quicken page.